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8 ways your brain plays tricks on you

We all have these cognitive biases, but here's how you can overcome them at

From the Zapier Blog
Cognitive Bias:
How Your Mind Plays Tricks on You and How to Overcome That at Work
<https://zapier.com/blog/cognitive-bias/?utm_content=image> Even though we'd
all like to think of ourselves as rational, unbiased adults, the truth is the
human brain is often illogical. Cognitive biases are why we stick with a
project, job, or partner long after when we should have left. They're why we
take risks even when the odds are greatly against us. And why, well, sometimes
we take lazy shortcuts.

We can't get rid of these cognitive biases, but we can learn how they affect
everything around us—and even how to use them to our professional advantage.
Read the full post

Happy reading!

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